Acyclic sports

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Acyclic motor actions have an open-chain motor structure, where the movement under scrutiny is performed only once (the opposite thus being cyclic sports where one can find the movement to be performed regularly and repeated). By increasing the athlete’s skill at developing the most powerful concentrated force effort in the aforementioned movement one can see the largest correlation at improvements in the power output of the more complex motor action. It is widely accepted that this can be achieved via two methods.

Increasing the magnitude of the maximal explosive force effort (achieved through working on one’s explosive strength*. In the case of high external opposition this would be via maximal strength**. In the case of low external opposition this would be obtained through High-speed strength***)

Implementing the muscle synergies involved and increasing the tonus of the muscular system on a broader spectrum.

*via means of; Exercises with weights, (repeat serial method) Isometric exercises, Jump exercises, (jumps with overload, single take-off jumps, bounces, depth jumps) or Stimulation method frame working a combination of the above.

**via means of; Exercises with weights, (maximal effort method, repeat method, repeat serial method) or Isometric exercises.

***via means of; Exercises with weights, jump exercises, Running exercises.

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